League Rules & Regulations


Download RULES and FEES documents

Rules adopted at the beginning of the season during the start-up meeting.


No outside Food or Drink is permitted inside.

VACANT Score/Handicap

The Vacant Score/Handicap is 150 with 54 handicap for Spring 2024. This is subject to change. The Blind score is 10 pins less than the Bowler's average.

Tardy or Absent

if you're running late or not going to make it, please contact your team captain, any officer, or send an email to the league.

Bowling Etiquette

All Bowlers must wear bowling shoes

Bowling Etiquette

Avoid eating or drinking in the bowler area - (please do this in the concourse area)

Bowling Etiquette

Stay OFF the approach unless it is actively your turn Be mindful of other bowlers who are already on the approach to not distract them.

Bowling Etiquette

The bowler to your right has priority..... Think about a 4 way stop sign. Make sure it's clear before you step up on the approach.

Bowling Etiquette

Be ready to take your turn. Sometimes it's not possible...but try not to delay the game by not being ready when it's your turn.

Bowling Etiquette

Be a good sport. It's ok to have fun, but please be respectful of your team, the other team and the teams on the adjoining lanes. Not everyone is as excited as you are, or as irritated as you...

Bowling Etiquette

This is only a partial list of the most common topics...More information can be found on bowl.com


Practice is scheduled to begin at 630pm. Competition Bowling follows immediately.


Only 8 people should be in the immediate bowler area. Guests should remain in the concourse area.

Team Envelopes

Team envelopes should be completed and turned in by the end of the first game to any league officer. DO NO TURN IN TEAM ENVELOPES TO THE FRONT DESK.


Lane Recaps should be given to Snooky or whomever is collecting them. DO NOT THROW AWAY. DO NOT TURN IN TO THE FRONT DESK.

2nd Game Strikeout Pot

When you strikeout, please advise Tony so he can verify before you reset the scores to the 3rd game